Thank you for support of our business.. Buy your Horn Combs from us. Our unique horncomb products are ethically treated free-range, Non-Salts electrolyte and custom super-silica springwater no-gmo feed fresh diet fed. Live and naturally harvested.
Not cheap but the very best.
HOW TO DO THE OFFICIAL LML method LMLonghairs official therapeutic Longhairs® Hairgasm® Scritcher™ method with our Official brand of Sheeps horn or Ox horn combs are 100% cruelty-free, and collected humanely because they are shed. Handcrafted. All sizes Scritcher™ Black Ox or White Sheeps Horn provided are from a special breed of sheep who are fed our special Non-Salts nutrients. Each horn comb is unique in many ways: some are slim and bouncy, most are curvy, and others are really thick and fat or chunky. We mail these with care, everywhere.
Longhairs® Hairgasm® horn combs are very special because they:
are zero-drag – not damaging to long and sensitive hair.
stimulate scalp and hairs.
cleanse the scalp.
unplug and treat follicles and hairs.
exfoliate dandruff, debris, and dead cells.
help prevent and improve thin areas, remedy hair loss.
add shine.
are a topical massage remedy for headaches.
maintain circulation, depositing rare nutrients protein and minerals, simply by rubbing.
are great for the stimulation and general combing of long hair and all lengths of hair.